15 amazing iPhone XR Tips
Hey guys what's up to how you do in this video I'm going to be going through 15 iPhone tips and tricks that you may not have known existed okay definitely stay until the end of the video because there I will show you my favorite tip it is oh I also did a review on the iPhone 10 R.
I'll have it linked in the cards in case you want to check it out but guys let's get into this first up the zoom window it's attacked three times with three fingers on the screen this zoom window will appear you can literally move it anywhere on the screen and as you can see it magnifies everything I particularly enjoy this for images.
so you can really see what's going on in the image if you want and it works within any application to activate it head on over to settings click on general then accessibility and you'll see right at the top here zoom if you click on that make sure it's toggled on and then there are also a bunch of other settings you can choose from such as a controller which you can also move anywhere with on the screen.
you can also say how much you want the zoom to be magnified or not it's really really cool reachability now we all know trying to reach the top apps like the camera for example can be difficult with one hand sometimes so if you go to the bottom of the screen and just swipe down once just like that the entire screen moves down and now it's.
so much easier to select whatever it is you want it's basically like one-handed mode just making it easier for you to operate your phone with one hand I'm sure many of you can agree that sometimes getting the cursor exactly where you want within an email or paragraph can be quite difficult.
15 amazing iPhone XR Tips
so if you click and hold down on the spacebar the entire keyboard turns into a mini trackpad and then as you can see here it is so much easier to place the cursor exactly where it is you want within your paragraph or email what you can also do when in this mode is clicked with another finger and then it actually selects your text you can move the cursor wherever you want and then as you can see the text is selected I also like this for editing Instagram captions, for example, it's just a really nifty thing and makes life super easy so as you note if you want to go back to the home screen you usually have to swipe up from the bottom however if you're used to the older iPhones with a home button and you really want that home button back and here.
how you do it simply head on over to settings click on general then on accessibility and from there you can just scroll down a little bit until you see assistive touch make sure that you toggled it on and then right over there you will see the home button pop up straight away you can leave it anywhere on your screen that you'd like and then if you click it, of course, it'll take you back to the home screen you can also customize it even further by deciding to change it from going to the home menu to rather show you notifications or change the volume you can also even make a custom menu guys it's really epic so here I just added a couple menu items and if I click that button.
you can see here I can select any which one and again move the button wherever I like a verb am how useful is that again you might be familiar with getting into your reasons you just do a long swipe up and then they're organized recently used apps but by swiping from the left up diagonally it accesses your reasons a lot quicker and here you can see the two options side-by-side and just how much quicker than short little left stroke is while we are on the subject of recent applications there is another way to toggle through all your open applications.
so at the bottom of the screen here if you simply just swipe on it it will toggle between all your open applications and this is really nifty because if you want to toggle between maps and then Netflix and then YouTube you can do so easily another nifty trick is crypt symbols so whenever typing out a message to get to a character you usually have to push down the numbers then select your characters click back to the lettering and it's quite a process but what you can actually do is click and hold down then drag over the character you'd like let go and it immediately changes back to the keyboard so I did another example and every time I went to character I just click and drag click and drag and it changes back to the lettering keyboard a super useful trick and saves you a lot of time [Music] let's just say you're on google searching for I don't know your favorite youtuber and you're scrolling for days but you want to get to the top of the screen while all you do is you click just under the speaker or the knotch if you will and it'll take you to the top of the screen every time so for all my Instagram lovers/
you can scroll for days and easily get back to the top by just clicking under the knotch you can do this in almost any application in fact every application if I'm uh mistaken and it is so nifty okay if you have a song stuck in your head and you don't know what it is I know what to do simply head on over to iTunes and once in there click on the search icon but you can then do in the search section is type at any kind of lyrics that always in the song so for example I said roses really smell like poo I searched and buh-bam the artist came up which is Outkast and as you can see here it says roses really smell like poo poo ooh another example once again in the search section I put in sweaters mom's sphaghetti you guys know what it is it's mmm lose yourself and here it comes up with a piece of lyrics that I searched it's really nifty guys use this and while we're on the topic of M&M if you want to go to sleep with these music simply click on the icon go to timer and you can actually set a timer for your music.
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so when it ends usually apex which is a sound will play you can choose any of these sounds but if you scroll right to the bottom you will see an option that says stop playing and if you select that what will happen is once you've set your timer to the desired time when the timer is up your music will stop playing how cool is that guys this is another seriously nifty tip because I know for a fact I am not the only one who always forgets their password so if you are in that exact instance and your forgotten Instagram password all you do is say.
hey Siri what's my password and from thereafter face ID what Siri will do is show you a list of passwords for your different application so I was looking for Instagram I clicked on the icon and then here I can just paste it in and access my Instagram so I never have to remember a password again I love it and don't forget guys always keep your passwords protected ok then this is a quick one but super nifty if you head on over to your calculator and you're doing all these crazy mathematical sums and by accidents oh no you typed in the wrong number well don't click the Clear button instead to take back a number simply swipe left on the screen and then type in the new number you can then complete your calculation and once again if you put in the wrong number.
you can swipe right even it doesn't matter which way you swipe it'll just clear the number and then you can carry on without having to clear the whole sum by now I'm sure many an Apple user is familiar with the control center yeah you can quickly access things or change some settings but as you see there is a lot of empty space and that is because you can actually customize your control center so if you're going to settings click on control center here you will see customized controls and then you can actually add or take away certain control so here I'm adding a couple just so you can see how it looks in the control center now so when I swipe down you can see there are a bunch of new controls and what's nice about this is as the name would suggest you can customize your control center.
so here I added all of them just to see how it would look and it's nice because it's so accessible and quick now so this is a pretty cool tip in that you can personalize certain contacts vibrations when they phone you so for instance if you're adding a contact to your phone if you click on ringtone over here you can see these are all the various ringtones you can choose from but then over here it says vibration if you click on that you can choose one of the default vibrations or you can create your own vibration and what it's saying here is tap to create your own vibration pattern so that's exactly.
what I'm doing and this is what it sounds like then all I do is click Save and then the next time this individual calls me I will feel this custom vibration pattern and know that it's this contact calling and finally guys for my favorite tip trick slash hidden feature is that you can actually create quick shortcuts via the power or lock button so if you go to settings you can say if I click this button three times a bunch of quick commands will pop up and you can decide which ones you want which ones you don't want it's really nifty and it's all done in settings.
so let me show you how it's done so as mentioned if I click the unlock button three times a little menu will pop up with a bunch of quick shortcuts and if I select say classic invert it'll invert the colors of my device if I click the three buttons again I can turn it off and it's basically just a really quick way to access quick shortcuts and what's cool is these shortcuts can be customized.
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